Study full time and experience student life at its best.
When committing to full time studies you are able to complete a qualification in the minimum time allowed for the programme.
Full-Time students are eligible for bursaries and scholarships more so than Part Time students. When you study a Full-Time qualification, you are usually able to focus your full attention on your studies.
Things to Note:
You can expect to attend classes for 16–20 hours per week and complete as many hours independently conducting research and completing assignments. This calculates to about 1200 hrs per year. Your timetable may change from time to time (typically per quarter or semester) to accommodate subject changes, lecturer changes and requirements of the programme. Your life will revolve around your timetable.
Our approach to learning is embedded in our vision and mission, we strive to facilitate holistic learning to develop each individual to achieve their full potential in society. With support from our industry-based lecturers and an open-door policy, learning is up to date and relevant, assisting graduates to become successful employees in their chosen fields.
With a low lecturer to student ratio, individual attention is paid to every student to maximize the output of students within this learning environment. Students are encouraged and expected to take responsibility for their own learning and become independent, lifelong learners.
We practice project-based practical application of knowledge, underpinned by strong thinking and theory. Our curriculum is developed using outcomes-based-education, applying learning to realistic project briefs via experimentation, group discussion, problem solving and practical application.
Assessment takes various forms, as we understand every learner is different. We apply continuous project-based assessment, with students engaging in peer assessment and self-assessment, alongside student performance appraisals and internal and external moderation. Early intervention strategies are implemented to aid students progression, with our open-door policy ensuring continual support. Rigorous procedures ensure that student progress is monitored, and resubmission opportunities assist students where necessary.