Terms & Conditions

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A student whose first registration and/or re-registration is accepted by the Institution undertakes to abide by the rules as set out below, by the Institution for the remainder of his or her studies at Inscape Education Group (Pty) Ltd. The rules are as follows:

1.1     a student will familiarise themselves with the content of all the rules, regulations, student handbook, policies and procedures, terms and conditions and admission requirements of the Institution that are available upon request and on the Institution’s website (www.inscape.ac). It is the responsibility of any prospective student and student to ensure that he/she is familiar with the requirements as set out above for the course or programme for which they are registered;

 1.2     upon registration, a student legally commits to comply with all rules, regulations, student code of conduct, policies and procedures, terms and conditions and admission requirements that are in force, including any amendment thereof or any new rule, regulation or requirement. It is the sole responsibility of the student to apprise themselves of the rules as per clause 2.1 above;

 1.3     non-compliance with these rules, regulations and requirements will not only represent a breach of contract towards the Institution but may also lead to disciplinary steps, which may include expulsion from the Institution;

 1.4     in the event that false and incorrect information or false representations are made by a Student and/or Sponsor the Institution is entitled to summarily cancel a student’s registration;

 1.5     the Institution reserves the right to transfer the offering of the course or programme from one campus to another campus;

 1.6     final specialisation choices are to be completed by the end of Semester 1 in the first year. This enables the Institution to plan accordingly;

 1.7     all programes run subject to availability on specific campuses and subject to demand;

 1.8     a student hereby, agrees and understands that the Institution may keep and process personal data and documents in electronic format, including all personal data supplied by the student in his or hers application form and annual registration form and consent to the use and transfer of such data and use such documents in electronic or other format or other formats for Institutional purposes consistent with his/her relationship with the Institution as a student and former student; and that the Institution may use electronically generated documents in place of the original documents signed by the student;

 1.9     the Institution may perform all reasonable searches of any student’s personal belongings, including but not limited to, any bag, container, briefcase or vehicle, this shall include any vehicle of a student on entering or exiting the Institution’s premises. Should the Institution deem it necessary in any circumstances in order to inter alia safeguard its property, its students or the property of third parties on the campuses of the Institution;

 1.10   the Contract entered into between parties will remain in full force and effect for a student’s entire duration of registration up until the student has met all the obligations as set out by the Institution;

 1.11      that the physical street address provided herein, or as updated by the student on the learning management system, will serve as his/her domicilium citandi et executandi address – this being the address to which all official documentation and any legal documentation arising from this contract is to be sent or delivered. The Institution will be informed immediately in writing of any change in address of a student and/or sponsor;

 1.12      a student hereby cedes and transfers to the Institution his/her rights, title and interest in respect of any intellectual property, in the widest sense of the word, that he/she may create or formulate either wholly or in part in the course of any study or research whatsoever he/she undertakes or may undertake at the Institution or develop or may develop with the assistance of equipment belonging to the Institution, except where otherwise agreed to in writing, and he/she undertakes to sign any document, whenever necessary, to cede and transfer the rights concerned;

 1.13  a student confirms that he/she has read this document and understand the content, rights and obligations contained herein and consider it to be binding;

 1.14   the Student hereby declares that this agreement was signed freely and voluntarily.

 1.15   if the student is a minor (under the age of 18 years) the signature of the parent/guardian is required and will serve as consent and assistance to the student to enter into this agreement.



2.1     The Institution’s fees are made up of the Tuition Fee (including Compulsory Study Pack) and Device Package. The combination of these fees are referred to as the TOTAL ANNUAL FEE.

 2.2     The Pre-Verification Fee is payable on application. All applicants applying for accredited and registered qualifications are required to be pre-verified by the Registrar. The Pre-Verification Fee is nonrefundable.

 2.3     Tuition Fees are typically charged by education institutions and should include; lecturer fees, studio fees (the use of a venue), courseware including briefs or assignments, a student card, wifi, access to libraries and additional resources.

2.4     The Compulsory Study Pack is the Institution’s initiative to ensure learning happens from day one and that all students have access to quality products that are legally licensed and current. The Institution has established strong relationships with suppliers and can, therefore, negotiate good pricing on behalf of the students. All equipment received by a student remains the property of the institution until such time as the TOTAL ANNUAL FEE has been received by the institution. Thereafter, the equipment becomes the property of the student/sponsor. Software licenses are renewed annually for the period of enrolment at the institution. All items included in the pack are required by the program as part of the learning process. The packs are reviewed annually to determine the continued relevance of each item. The provision of the Compulsory Study Pack by the Institution not only provides convenience to you the student who would need to otherwise source the items independently but more importantly provides the student with the ability to be in control of his/her learning at all times even when he/she is not on campus.

2.5     All goods included in the Study Pack will be received on Registration Day or thereafter at the Institution’s discretion and once the full Enrolment Fee has been received and allocated to the student account.

2.6     Enrolments done during current the Academic Year will be subject to a six-week waiting period for the procurement of equipment required for the Study Pack and the device.



3.1     Inscape includes the option to purchase a device (Windows or Mac laptop) as part of the learning package. When a student chooses to exclude a device, the student is required to bring his/her own device (BYOD). The device must meet the minimum specification requirements for the chosen qualification, device specifications are available on the Inscape website (www.inscape.ac). The student is required to complete a Right of Use Agreement for the Institution to onboard the machine (provide relevant software, manage and maintain the device).

 3.2     Different device packages are available to assist students in accessing quality higher education. Please refer to the Student Fee Guide, available on the website (www.inscape.ac).



4.1 The TOTAL ANNUAL FEE is calculated in advance and is published each year in May for the following academic year. This allows the student time to plan and secure the necessary funding to enrol for his/her chosen qualification. The enrolment periods are detailed below.

4.2 The Enrolment Period dates as stipulated below:

4.2.1 EARLY BIRD ENROLMENTS (1 April 2024 – 30 September 2024)

4.2.2 STANDARD ENROLMENTS (1 October 2024 – Registration Day in February 2025)



5.1      The Institution offers two payment options:


An upfront payment is made of the TOTAL ANNUAL FEE (including Tuition Fee and Compulsory Study Pack Fee).


Enrolment Fee of the TOTAL ANNUAL FEE is payable in full to secure the enrolment at the Institution. The remaining of the TOTAL ANNUAL FEE is payable via debit order/credit card/EFT payments over 11 months, January to November.

A bank confirmation letter from the account payer must be received by the Institution to institute a debit order. Debit Order payments run on the last day of every month, except if that day is on a weekend, then the debit order will run on the last Friday of the month.

5.2     A detailed breakdown of each TOTAL ANNUAL FEE for each payment option is available on request and on the website under the Fees tab (www.inscape.ac).



6.1     Payment of all fees shall be made promptly and without delay as set out in this agreement. Payment terms are monthly in advance.

 6.2     The student/sponsor shall make prompt payment of all fees payable in respect of his/her studies. The entire duration of a student’s studies, as well as any associated costs as annually determined by the Institution, must be paid upon the request of the Institution.

 6.3     Should a debit order be returned by the account payer’s bank, for whatever reason, a R350 admin fee for each returned debit order, will be charged to the account.

 6.4       Failure to pay and settle any accounts as rendered by the Institution, the following shall apply;

6.4.1  In the event that fees are overdue for more than 30 days, the Institution reserves the right to suspend the student’s tuition without prejudice to its own rights. The student will therefore not have access to the campus, teaching and learning, progress reports, access to the online learner management system, suspension of licenses (software, online research subscriptions) and access to Wifi on-site; registration of programs, courses, subjects or modules;

6.4.2  A student will only have graduated successfully in the event that all outstanding fees have been settled with the Institution;

6.4.3  In the event of any legal action be instituted by the Institution against the student/sponsor, the student/sponsor herewith undertake to pay all legal costs, including collection fees, attorney-and-client scale fees and any or all disbursements that may derive from the legal action instituted or commenced.



7.1     A student/sponsor will be liable for the full amount of any application, tuition, special and other fees as set out in this contract unless the student discontinues their studies with the Institution in writing;

7.2     Should a student/sponsor wish to discontinue and/or cancel their studies with the Institution the following terms and conditions will apply:

7.2.1  Cancellation of this contract before registration week, the student/sponsor would be liable for the pre-verification fee, full enrolment fee and the device deposit;

7.2.2  Cancellation of this contract after registration week and before the completion of Semester 1 (ONE), the student/sponsor would be liable for the pre-verification fee, plus the full fee for the non-returnable equipment (study pack), materials and tuition procured for the student, the full device fee as well as 75% of the total tuition fee;

7.2.3  Cancellation of this contract after the completion of Semester 1 (ONE), the student/sponsor would be liable for the TOTAL ANNUAL FEE (including the full device fee).

7.2.4  The device would have to be returned to the institution pending the payment of the outstanding fees.


8.  FIDELITY GUARANTEE (as required by the Department of Higher Education and Training)

In the event that the Institution is not able to meet its commitments to students as a result of the liquidation of the company, students will, in the event of their claims against the company not being fully recovered, have the right to request the said liquidator to claim any shortfall from the financial  institution which has provided a guarantee to beneficiaries to cover such an eventuality, provided that the  total amount claimable from such an institution will not exceed the total amount of the guarantee. Should the total of such unrecoverable claims exceed the total amount of the guarantee then the total amount claimed by beneficiaries in terms of the said guarantee will be pro-rated amongst the beneficiaries who submitted claims.



9.1     The student/sponsor hereby indemnifies the Institution and hold it harmless from and against all claims, actions, damages, liability and expense in connection with loss of life, personal injury and/ or damage to my property arising from or out of any occurrence in, upon, or at its premises, or the use by myself of the Campus premises or any part thereof, or occasioned wholly or in part by any act or omission of the Institution, its officers, employees, agents, concessionaires, suppliers, contractors or customers;

9.2     Should an emergency operation or urgent medical treatment be deemed necessary on a student by a medical doctor, the Institution may at its discretion act in the student’s interest if he/she cannot make the decision for themselves. The student/sponsor hereby indemnifies the Institution, its employees, agents and directors against liability for any fees payable as a result of such medical treatment;

9.3     The Institution reserves the right to suspend or terminate access to any Institution-controlled premises, in circumstances where the student’s behaviour and/or state of health constitutes a danger to himself/herself and/or any of his/her co-students and/or personnel of the Institution and/or any third parties.

9.4     In the event that the Institution shall, without fault on its part, be made a party to any litigation commenced by or against a student/sponsor the student/sponsor hereby indemnifies the Institution and hold it harmless against all claims and shall pay all costs, expenses and legal fees (including Attorney and client fees) reasonably incurred or paid by the Institution in connection with such litigation.

9.5     The student/sponsor agrees that this document and its attachments constitute the entire contract. Unless it is reduced to writing and signed by both parties, no oral agreement shall be binding on either party.

9.6     The student /sponsor hereby indemnifies the Institution, its employees, agents and directors against all or any claims, loss and/or damage which may be bought against, or suffered by the Institution, its employees, agents or directors arising out of, pursuant to, or resulting from personal injury suffered by the student or property damage, or loss suffered due to acts of omissions of the Institution, its employees, agents, directors, students and/or third parties.

9.7     The Institutions’ Policies and Procedures are publicly available on the Institution website: www.inscape.ac.



10.1   Communication by the Institution may take place by e-mail and WhatsApp as provided by the student/sponsor.

10.2   During the electronic generation of this agreement the student/sponsor consented to or indicated the following:

10.2.1 that the student’s personal information may be provided to prospective employers and funding institutions/sponsors;

10.2.2 that information regarding a student’s fees account may be disclosed to his/her parent/guardian;

10.2.3 that information regarding a student’s academic progress may be disclosed to his/her parent/guardian;

10.2.4 that a student’s academic progress may be disclosed to his/her bursar, surety and/or the person responsible for the payment of any fees on his/her behalf to the Institution;

10.2.5 that a student’s status of his/her fees account may be disclosed to his/her bursar, surety and/or the person responsible for the payment of any fees on his/her behalf to the Institution.

10.3   That the Institution may disclose to a student’s parent or guardian information of any disciplinary steps that may be taken against him/her by the Institution and that this permission is deemed to be permission as contemplated by the Promotion of Access to Information Act (Act 2 of 2000) insofar as it may be applicable and that the disclosure of such information will not be unreasonable as contemplated by the Act.


  • Only grade 12 learners can enter the competition.
  • Entrants must have completed the application with the correct documents uploaded. In the event that the information is incorrectly captured or incomplete, you will be disqualified from the competition.
  • The competition will run at schools from July 2024 – September 2024.
  • Winners will be announced on Fridays on Inscape Facebook and Instagram platforms.