Course Code
1 Year
Starting March, July, September and November
Tuition from R13400
Things that excite a fashion designer:
Gorgeous fabrics, texture, silhouette, designing creations for people inspired by what they need and what they like. Fashion designers are great at imagining, creating and making, combining, mixing and matching. A career in fashion design allows you to be playful, and follow or even create trends.
What is Fashion design?
Fashion designers design far more than just clothing, fashion designers create experiences, they have the skill to make you feel good about yourself and the world around you. A fashion designer creates fashion drawings to conceptualise individual garments and or ranges and accessories, they draft patterns, and construct garments whilst responding to global fashion trends. Fashion design extends into complimentary sectors like media and retail environments. Fashion Designers potential job titles may include: clothing designer, clothing manager, colour consultant, fashion editor or fashion buyer or merchandiser.
Gorgeous fabrics, texture, silhouette, designing creations for people inspired by what they need and what they like.
Modules covered include:
Basic Fashion Drawing
Introduction to Textiles
Introduction to Clothing Design
Introduction to the History of Costume
Introduction to Pattern making
Introduction to Fashion Planning
Basic Sewing Techniques
CAD for Fashion
Work Experience and Industry Exposure
1 Year Application - Starting March, July, September and November
No entry requirements.
Graduates of this course may enter roles such as:
Ensuring that every active participant is challenge-ready, work-ready, life-ready and society-ready.